There is various instrument uses for hatching, this kind of instrument is used for different purpose such instrument are Vast, mature male and female fish, shrill, blade &scissor, ova prim salt, net, carpet, teaspoon, host (small, medium &big host) Click Here! VAST: A vast can be wooden, plastic tank etc, which is being constructed by the carpenter NB: if the carpenter asks you what you need to tell the carpenter is 9 by 3 or 6 by 3. This mean that the length should be 9cm and the breath should be 3cm, same thing as for 6by 3cm or you can get ready made vast, but it is expenses CARPET: This is a very common material that anybody can get, but be very careful on the carpet you purchase. The best carpet for hatching process is the thick carpet and this carpet is being sold by yard. You need 6 to 7 yard. And if the carpet remains it can be used for other purpose. MATURE MALE AND FEMALE (BROOD STOCK) Fish can be in different sex, it can be male & female. A ...