
Commercial Catfish Production

Production Process A typical production cycle for channel catfish farming begins with spawning of brood fish. Spawning begins in the spring when water temperatures increase to above 70ยบ F. At that time, brood fish held in ponds randomly mate and the fertilized eggs are collected from spawning containers and moved to a hatchery. Eggs hatch after 5 to 8 days of incubation and fry are reared in the hatchery for an additional 4 to 10 days. Fry are then transferred to a nursery pond, fed daily through the summer, and harvested in autumn or winter as fingerlings. Fingerlings are then stocked into foodfish growout ponds, fed daily, and harvested when they reach 1 to 2 pounds. Roughly 18 to 36 months is required to produce a food-sized channel catfish from an egg. Foodfish are harvested year-around to meet the needs of processing plants, so ponds on a given farm usually contain fish at various stages of growout throughout the year. Maintaining Brood stock Channel catfish brood stock are...
Hello naija


There is various instrument uses for hatching, this kind of instrument is used for different purpose such instrument are Vast, mature male and female fish, shrill, blade &scissor, ova prim salt, net, carpet, teaspoon, host (small, medium &big host)  Click Here! VAST: A vast can be wooden, plastic tank etc, which is being constructed by the carpenter NB: if the carpenter asks you what you need to tell the carpenter is 9 by 3 or 6 by 3. This mean that the length should be 9cm and the breath should be 3cm, same thing as for 6by 3cm or you can get ready made vast, but it is expenses CARPET: This is a very common material that anybody can get, but be very careful on the carpet you purchase. The best carpet for hatching process is the thick carpet and this carpet is being sold by yard. You need 6 to 7 yard. And if the carpet remains it can be used for other purpose. MATURE MALE AND FEMALE (BROOD STOCK) Fish can be in different sex, it can be male & female. A ...


The process of hatching is a very simple, by following the simple step and logic. Some of this step will be explained below. 1) Get a male and female broad stock catfish 2) Injecting the female fish catfish 3) Stripping the egg of the female catfish 1) GET A MALE AND FEMALE BROAD STOCK CATFISH This step will be explained in a lay man language and for easy practical doing; I promise you that if you follow this step you will be a successful catfish farmer. To get a mature female and male catfish for hatching, it must be above 10months to a year, and the way to identify it is through the egg. The egg can be brown or green; it can also be identifying through the head of the catfish. 2) INJECTING THE FEMALE CATFISH When injecting the female catfish it must be beside the belly, and rob where the needle is being penetrated so that the drug can work, and the name of the drug is called ova prim. Ten separate both the male catfish and female catfish from each other. After injecting the...

The Secret to Be a Successful Catfish Farmer

when starting a fish farming business, there are certain things that are to be considered, some of the things are learning new skill each day, in this catfish business, you can make money from it,i.e if you know what you are doing and manage your time, i will be discussing the step you need to know when setting your own business Moreover, we will be discussing how to be a very successful catfish farmer without any stress and to start earning big return with little or no investment.  In this article I will be giving you the basis to be a successful catfish farmer, the following are  1) knowledge 2) practical training 3) skill  4) learn from the professional 5) start your own business Hopefully, after reading this article you will realize that to be a successful catfish is very easy by following this steps: some of the step of a successful catfish farmer are 1) KNOWLEDGE This is done by reading various materials relating to catfish farming, such materia...


Many people feel that to be a catfish farmer is very difficult and it is a dirty business and always reduce personal reputation in the society. But other believed that this kind of business is meant for an illiterate person (people that are not educated) Click Here! Moreover, we will be discussing how to be a very successful catfish farmer without any stress and to start earning big return with little or no investment. I guest you are wondering it. In this article I will be giving you the basis to be a successful catfish farmer, the following are 1) knowledge 2) practical training 3) skill 4) learn from the professional 5) start your own business Hopefully, after reading this article you will realize that to be a successful catfish is very easy by adopting the following steps: One of the tips of a successful catfish farmer is 1) KNOWLEDGE This is done by reading various materials relating to catfish farming, such material can be manual journal, magazine on the r...